Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Wednesday, January 31st 2018 Casa de Fe

Written by Pat Beil

Ecuador receives about 25 feet of rain each year, and I believe that we received a good portion of that today. The rain sounded like thunder as it came down on the tin roof.

During breakfast, Kendra continued her morning devotions about the life of Paul. Each morning, we have juice, rolls and eggs, and this morning, Jeff treated us to "snot fruit" (granadilla), affectionately named for its texture.

Part of our team was anxious and excited to go on the jungle flight to the village of Tiweno today.

The rest of the team headed to Casa de Fe in a light rain. When Bernie and Pat reached the bridge just before Casa de Fe, there was water rushing across the bridge. We hung on tightly to each other as we waded through water up to our knees. Our shoes and socks were wet for the rest of the day.

Our Casa de Fe team leader, Chris, shared how he turned to God and became a missionary and came to Casa de Fe.

Some of the team accompanied the tias and toddlers on a field trip that was supposed to be to the zoo, but ended up at the aquarium due to rain. Every tia, and each team member was holding a baby or two. They showed so much care to the children, and are so good at instructing the kids as to what to expect and what they should do. The car ride in the rain was as much of an outing for them as the actual aquarium.


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